
Welcome to The Cucamonga Scoop!

We are Rancho Cucamonga's only weekly news publication dedicated to our beloved city.

Each week we summarize what's happening in our city with:

  1. The top 3 things to know
  2. What's happening in our city – including summaries of public board meetings, big news stories, and issues of concern.
  3. Upcoming events
  4. And a bit of fun along the way.

Join us today and get this info in your inbox every week!

Our Values

Constructive conversations

We believe that constructive conversations are the bedrock of personal growth. Conversations that push us outside our comfort zone and we learn from others help us be better neighbors, friends, and humans.

As a publication, we will not shy away from difficult topics. Difficult topics give us the opportunity for constructive conversations.

Equal access and opportunity

Every person, without regard to any characteristic or identity, should be validated, loved, and cherished. We don't have to agree with someone to validate their humanity.

Everyone is included

Our tent of inclusion reaches far and wide and our coverage will reflect as such. We value diversity of opinions and identities and our coverage will reflect that.